Adult Services Program Child Services Program
Coordination of supportive services for individuals and families seeking aid and intervention for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis or behavioral health emergency.
Mobile Mental Health Treatment (MMHT)
Adult Services Program Child Services Program
brings diagnostic and treatment services straight to those who can’t seek outpatient care on their own
Enhanced Outpatient Program (EOP)
Adult Services Program
Provides clinical and diagnostic and treatment services on a level of intensity similar to an inpatient program.
Community Based Intensive Treatment (CBIT) – Adult Population
Adult Services Program
Focused on individuals transitioning back into the community following an inpatient hospital stay.
Outpatient Services
Adult Services Program Child Services Program
Tailorized programs that meet personal needs of the clients with emphasis on wellness and recovery that seek for individuals to achieve the greatest success from treatment in the shortest time possible.
Blended Case Management (BCM)
Adult Services Program Child Services Program
Designed to help achieve success by assisting each child/adolescent in accessing, monitoring, and coordinating a personalized plan of care and recovery.